Hadoop Basic Shell
2016, Oct 04
- Usage: hadoop fs -mkdir [-p]
- Takes path uri’s as argument and creates directories.
- Options:
- The -p option behavior is much like Unix mkdir -p, creating parent directories along the path.
- Example:
- hadoop fs -mkdir /user/hadoop/dir1 /user/hadoop/dir2
- hadoop fs -mkdir hdfs://nn1.example.com/user/hadoop/dir hdfs://nn2.example.com/user/hadoop/dir
- Exit Code:
- Returns 0 on success and -1 on error.
- Usage: hadoop fs -cat URI [URI …]
- Copies source paths to stdout.
- Example:
- hadoop fs -cat hdfs://nn1.example.com/file1 hdfs://nn2.example.com/file2
- hadoop fs -cat file:///file3 /user/hadoop/file4
- Exit Code:
- Returns 0 on success and -1 on error.
- Usage: hadoop fs -checksum URI
- Returns the checksum information of a file.
- Example:
- hadoop fs -checksum hdfs://nn1.example.com/file1
- hadoop fs -checksum file:///etc/hosts
- Usage: hadoop fs -put
... - Copy single src, or multiple srcs from local file system to the destination file system. Also reads input from stdin and writes to destination file system.
- Example:
- hadoop fs -put localfile /user/hadoop/hadoopfile
- hadoop fs -put localfile1 localfile2 /user/hadoop/hadoopdir
- hadoop fs -put localfile hdfs://nn.example.com/hadoop/hadoopfile
- hadoop fs -put - hdfs://nn.example.com/hadoop/hadoopfile Reads the input from stdin.
- Exit Code:
- Returns 0 on success and -1 on error.
- Usage: hadoop fs -copyFromLocal
URI- Similar to put command, except that the source is restricted to a local file reference.
- Options:
- The -f option will overwrite the destination if it already exists.
- Usage: hadoop fs -copyToLocal [-ignorecrc] [-crc] URI
*Similar to get command, except that the destination is restricted to a local file reference.
- Usage: hadoop fs -rm [-f] [-r]/[-R] [-skipTrash] URI [URI]
- Delete files specified as args.
- If trash is enabled, file system instead moves the deleted file to a trash directory (given by FileSystem#getTrashRoot).
- Currently, the trash feature is disabled by default. User can enable trash by setting a value greater than zero for parameter fs.trash.interval (in core-site.xml).
- See expunge about deletion of files in trash.
- Options:
- The -f option will not display a diagnostic message or modify the exit status to reflect an error if the file does not exist.
- The -R option deletes the directory and any content under it recursively.
- The -r option is equivalent to -R.
- The -skipTrash option will bypass trash, if enabled, and delete the specified file(s) immediately. This can be useful when it is necessary to delete files from an over-quota directory.
- Example:
- hadoop fs -rm hdfs://nn.example.com/file /user/hadoop/emptydir
- Exit Code:
- Returns 0 on success and -1 on error.
- Usage: hadoop fs -rmdir [–ignore-fail-on-non-empty] URI [URI …]
- Delete a directory.
- Options:
- –ignore-fail-on-non-empty: When using wildcards, do not fail if a directory still contains files.
- Example:
- hadoop fs -rmdir /user/hadoop/emptydir