ADC of Beaglebone under Xinu(A Unix like OS)
1. ADC of AM335x
The internal ADC of AM335x is called TSC_ADC_SS (Touchscreen_ADC_subsystem), which is an 8 channel general purpose ADC, with optional support for interleaving Touch Screen conversions. The TSC_ADC_SS can be used and configured in one of the following application options:
8 general purpose ADC channels
4 wire TS, with 4 general purpose ADC channels
5 wire TS, with 3 general purpose ADC channels
8 wire TS
1.1 TSC_ADC properties
There are 7 analog inputs on the BeagleBone.
- ADC properties:
- 12 bits (Output values in the range 0-4095)
- 125ns sample time
- 0-1.8V range (do not exceed!)
- 2 uA current flows into the ADC pin in this range
- If using a voltage divider, the lower leg (the one connected to ground) should be <= 1k Ohm
- Since we are measuring millivolts, resistors with 0.1% error tolerance should be used in a voltage divider.
- There is a 1.8V reference voltage VDD_ADC at Port 9 Pin 32.
- There is a GNDA_ADC that should be grounded on Port9 Pin 34.
2 Connectivity
This register inside Control Module wakeup manages the clocks of ADC. As described in the definiation of CM_WKUP_ADC_TSC_CLKCTRL register default the CTRL is set to 0x0 which means Module is disable by SW. Any OCP access to module results in an error, except if resulting from a module wakeup (asynchronous wakeup). No clock no function