Deploy flask app to heroku

2017, Mar 16    

0. Login

heroku login

1. Create app

heroku create [app-name]

2. Add remote

heroku git:remote -a [app-name]

3. runtime.txt

Specifiy the python version you’d like to use


4. Procfile

A text file in the root directory of your application, to explicitly declare what command should be executed to start your app

web: python []

5. requirement.txt

save current to requirement.txt

pip freeze > requirement.txt

6. main

Get $PORT from environment argument

if __name__ == "__main__":
	port = int(os.environ.get("PORT", 5000))'',port=port);

7. Deploy to the heroku master

git add [files]
git commit -m '[comments]'
git push heroku master

8. Scale the app

heroku ps:scale web=1

9. Open app

heroku open